Thursday, August 7, 2008

World Book Day at my Primary School

On Friday, April 23 my primary school celebrated 'World Book Day'. After classes got over all the children went to the playground for the party to begin. My school had different little stages set up where some of the teachers read stories in Spanish and English stories to the children. All the children got to dress up all day for the party at the school. Below is a photo of one of the teachers in my school dressed up with some of her students.

Here I am standing with the English teachers at my Primary School. The two women that are in dresses are not English teachers. I loved their outfits so much we had them join the photo. The dresses were made up of different cartons and cardboard. How creative!

Ruben, the main English teacher at the primary school is telling his story in English to the students. The students had a great time!