Saturday, September 22, 2007

We made it!

Hello everybody! Ben and I have made it to Logroño, Spain. I have had barely any time to write due to the Fiestas of San Mateo that are going on in our city and also looking busily for an apartment to start living in. Everything here has shut down for all of the Fiesta. I will write more and post photos and video when I have time. Things are going great here! The fiestas are ending tonight so the pace here should slow down a more. We have experienced so many different things in just the little time that we have been here that I can not wait to share it with all of you in my next blog. ¡Hasta luego!

1 comment: said...

Hola !

I can't wait to hear more of your adventure...and see some photos and video. We think about you all the time and can't wait to come see you before Christmas.

Love, Dad