Thursday, October 4, 2007

Hello Again!

I am still doing great here in Spain! I have been way busier than I ever thought I would be. On Tuesday I started meeting with all of the students here. I am sitting in a Teachers Lounge right now waiting to go to meet my next class. I am done working at my schools until next Tuesday. This weekend I have purchased a ticket to go on a Vinobus (a tour of vineyards in La Rioja). I can´t wait to take a lot of photos there. I will write more when I have internet again. It is harder than I imagined to find a place and time to have internet. Today we are going to a local bank to get a Spanish bank account so that the school will be able to pay us there. It will be nice to finally making euros instead of always thinking in US Dollars! Hope you can all come visit here. It is so wonderful and can´t wait to share it with all. I am off to my next class. I have 3 more classes left today. It is one of my long days. Goodbye!

3 comments: said...


I find this all so interesting. I'm especially glad to hear that you think Spain is wonderful!

I hope you are able to share, not only the English language with your students, but also a little bit of your personality and enthusiasm with them. I know they'll like having you as a teacher.

I hope you and Ben have a great time on the Vinobus and get lots of photographs.

Tell Ben I'm enjoying his posts very much. Thanks to both of you for sharing with us!

~ What's this thing (~) called again?

Can't wait to come and see you guys. Time is going by fast.

Love you,

Dad said...

Since you were blessed with a beautiful voice, I hope you can teach them English through music, too. It's always easier to remember words set to music.
Love you,
Mom said...

If you had made a post on Oct. 8th, this is what I would've said to you...
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Abby, happy birthday to you. Hope you had a great day!!
Love you,