Wednesday, October 17, 2007

One Month!

I have officially lived in Spain for one month and things are still going great. Ben and I have gotten a lot of our necessary paperwork done that we have to do to be able to live here for such an extended period of time. We have also applied for internet so we should have a WiFi connection in our apartment by next Thursday! I will be able to keep in communication easier with everybody. We also had a land line put in our apartment today if anybody wants to call or telephone...(once we go out and buy a cheap one). Also, I have switched my blog so that people are now able to leave comments without having to make a Google account.

I have been very busy teaching kids from the ages of 3 to 19 years old. My second week of teaching at the Primary School (I teach at that school only on Tuesdays) I received a note from a little girl from a class I had met and talked with my first week of classes. I thought it would be nice to share with everybody on here. She had typed it on a computer, cut it out in a small square and used different colored pens to make lines around it for a frame. It was very cute and touching. I now figure that I can make somewhat of a difference teaching the students English here in Spain....well at least the young ones. Here is the note. It is half in English with some in Spanish. I will translate the Spanish into English in ( ).

hello hello hello I am called karem
Rodriguez gutierrez I am 10 years old
I am student of sesto (sixth) B and I to liked
much cuado (when) came to my class to speak
to us in English and to mostrarno (show us)
different photos yours me pleased n
much were very pretty the truth to ber (see)
when vuelbes (comes) to come to my class I
wait for to you since to my the
English costs a little to me has to
ber situ rambien (also) me you can write a
day of theses I wants to learn as much
English as your so that he enchants
the English to me and other languages
to be able to travel to different
countries and places and to know their
languages so that always it is good
send to many kisses and abrasos (hugs)
karencita good bye that estes (you are) well

Hope everybody is doing great! Hasta luego...

4 comments: said...

What a special note. It is things like that that always make a teacher love their job. (Never the pay..haha!) By the end of the year you won't want to leave it.
Love, Mom said...

What a special note. It is things like that that always make a teacher love their job. (Never the pay..haha!) By the end of the year you won't want to leave it.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...


I wanted to wish you a happy B-Day a long time ago, but couldn't because I needed a password. I'm glad you fixed that, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I read about the cake and the gathering. Sounds neat. I'm glad your adding things to the website. Ben is not so faithful. It'll get better when the internet is set up. We're looking forward to the internet phone stuff. The six hour difference drives us crazy, but we'll figure it out. I get up early and Gail stays up late, so one of us should be in good shape. We'll see. Anyway, you don't look a year older. Keep Ben out of trouble.

Kristin Puppe said...

Hey Abby! Hope all is well up there in Rioja! Can you tell me how to get it so you don't have to create an account to leave a comment? Also, do you know how to put a video on this blog? Thanks for your help my blogspot expert!! See ya!k