Sunday, November 18, 2007

Exciting Times Ahead!

As I sit here drinking some hot strawberry cream tea, eating some wonderful Spanish cookies and listening to Christmas music at 6:00 PM on Sunday evening, I figured it was a great time to tell you all about my exciting plans for the start of December and Christmas break.

First, I am going to explain a few of my previous photos in the last blog that I posted. I wanted you all to completely experience what the photos actually were of. The first photo is of the three strange faces. I saw those in Museum Wurth in a nearby city next to Logrono. There was three white round objects in this small dark room. All of a sudden these three faces were projected on to the white objects. They continuously were moving their eyes, noses and mouths. It was quite a sight to see! I had to capture the looks of them on my camera.

The second photo is of the huge man sitting with his arms wrapped around his legs. This man was very big. He would change colors every few seconds. The man also also had many embossed words of the body parts all over his body such as head, leg, arm, nose....etc. It was really cool. I took many photos of this man. I liked the blue color the best.

The third photo from the museum is the blue dress. I captured the dress with the photo in the background of it. At one time the dress in the photograph was actually worn by two sisters. The dress could fit two people and now they have it on display at the museum with the original photo of the sisters in it next to it. I thought it was pretty cool and artsy. Okay, good. I really wanted to clarify the photos that were taken from the museum so that you could capture the whole effect and experience like I did. Now, on to the fun times that lie ahead for me.

I am very excited to say that we just bought plane tickets to go travel to Milan, Italy. Ben, our friend Kara from California, and I will be going to Milan on December 7 - 11. I decided to take an extra day off of work to be able to see all Milan. According to Wikipedia, Milan is considered one of the largest cities in Italy and one of the most highly developed urban centers in Europe. The metropolitan area of Milan accounts for 7.4 million people! I can't wait to experience it. I absolutely love all types of Italian food and can't wait to try them all. We are going to be staying in a hotel that is close to the center of the city. Milan has the second largest church in Italy and the third largest in the world. We will be about a 10 - 15 minute walk from that church. Right after we purchased our plane tickets this past week we found out that December 7th is the Festival of the Patron Saint Ambrose. We will be arriving on that evening to have a ton of people celebrating. It should be a fun time while there are so many people celebrating. Also, one exciting thing I also found out is that Milan holds Leonardo Da Vinci's original "The Last Supper" in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. I hope we are able to view it while we are there. If you want to read more about Milan and what other cool things the city has to offer you can visit Wikipedia by clicking here.

After we get back from Milan we will just have one week before we head off to Madrid to meet up with my family on the afternoon of December 20th! We have rented a great apartment in a fabulous location, Puerta de Sol, that will fit all 7 of us to stay together. It will be good to walk to all the tourist locations that everybody wants to see when they go to Madrid. On the 22nd we are planning to head for a day trip to Toledo. A small city that is about an hour away from Madrid. Last time I was in Spain I bought a sword from Toledo.We are going to be staying in Madrid until noon on the 23rd and heading to Logrono. We will be celebrating Christmas in Logrono on the 23rd - 26th. We have a few day trips planned to such places as Bilbao and maybe Pamplona. Bilbao is known for the Guggenheim Museum and Pamplona is known for the running of the bulls in July. We will be heading back to Madrid on the 29th to spend two more days there until my family flies out on the 31st. I can not wait for all of our adventures with my family to begin. After they leave on the 31st, Ben and I are planning to stay in Madrid to celebrate the New Year and head off to take a long way back to Logrono going through cities such as Segovia, Valladolid and Burgos. They are all in northern Spain. We are lucky we have vacation from December 20th - January 8th.

Due to Spain not having Thanksgiving Day here the streets are getting covered by hanging lights ready for December 1st. Pablo, the boy I tutor, told me that they will turn all of the lights around the city on the night of December 1st. I can't wait to be walking around the city with all of the Christmas lights on. I will miss the snow but the Christmas season will still be great here without it! Another great thing for Christmas here they actually have little huts that sell chestnuts that have been roasting over an open fire! Ben and I tried 7 of them the other night. They were great. I never knew that they actually had them. I just thought it was part of the song.

Ben and I are going to plan a big holiday Thanksgiving dinner for all of our friends here for Thursday evening. We are still trying to find out if Spain has turkeys that you can bake. We don't know for sure. If not, we will be having chicken for supper. We are going to try make it as traditional as possible. There should be about 14 or 15 of us in our apartment! Luckily we have a lot of free space to share with everyone. I also will be teaching all of my classes this week with worksheets and photos the story of Thanksgiving. Well, I am very excited for all of the wonderful events that are going to be happening in the next coming month! I am off to prepare my Thanksgiving Day classes. Have a great and wonderful Thanksgiving everybody! I will be missing the great food that my Grandma Bernie prepares for us every year. :) Speaking of which, I really enjoyed having my last slice of banana bread that I brought in the plane to Spain right when we moved in to our apartment. Thanks again Grandma! Here is me back in September with my last slice of banana bread. I had to take a photo with it.

1 comment: said...

We will miss you at Grandma and Grandpa's Thanksgiving table this year. Dad and I have calculated that this will be the first time in 31 years that we will not have any children present. Glad to hear you are sharing our custom with your friends in Spain.
Love you,