Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Hello everybody! I hope you are all having a great start to this wonderful holiday season. Last night Ben and I went to watch the act of lighting all of the Christmas lights in our city at 7:00 in the Square that is very close to our apartment. There were lots of people in the square watching marionette shows, giant puppets running around, getting free hot chocolate and waiting anxiously for the lights to turn on. Our city looks very beautiful now with all the lights on. Tomorrow, Ben and I head to Milan, Italy with one of our friends from here that is from California. I can't wait! This will be our first time leaving Spain to another European country. I love Italian food so I am planning to eat a lot of great pastas there. We will be there until late Tuesday night. I will update you all late next week on all that has been going on here in Logrono. I am also very excited because 2 weeks from today my whole family will be here with me in Spain to celebrate the Christmas holiday. Wow, how the time here is flying by! I will leave you with a few photos from last night that I took of the great Christmas lights. Have a happy holidays!

1 comment: said...

I'm so in the Christmas spirit after seeing those pictures. I can't wait to enjoy the wonderful sights Spain has to offer.