Friday, May 9, 2008

London, England

On March 8 - 11 Ben and I traveled to London, England for a long weekend. We were very excited as we got to stay with Katie Dolan, from Grafton, that has been living there for about 5 years now so we had a personal tour guide for the first day to get the feel for the city. We were let loose to tour the large city by ourselves the next couple days. We saw many different famous sights of the city. Below are some photos from the trip.

One of the famous guards in London.

Buckingham Palace

Westminster Abbey

Big Ben

View of the city

A busker grabbing a boy after he gave him some money.

Tower Bridge

Very windy on top of St. Paul's Cathedral

Front of St. Paul's Cathedral (it was very big!)

The most famous British saying...

1 comment: said...


I love these photos. This might be as close as I ever get to London, so I really enjoy your insight with the pictures.

Keep up with the blogging.

Love you,
